Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Wiki
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{{infobox episode
{{infobox episode
| name = The Torque Armada
| name = The Torque Armada
| image = [[File:torquearmada_01.png|300px|Title card.]]
| image = [[File:Buzz surrounded by Torque's clones.png|250px]]
| airdate = October 2, 2000
| airdate = October 2, 2000
| number = 001
| number = 001
| code = 003
| code = 003
| producer = Tad Stones, Mark McCorkle, Bob Schooley
| producer = [[Tad Stones]]<br/>[[Mark McCorkle]]<br/>[[Bob Schooley]]
| director = Don MacKinnon
| director = [[Don MacKinnon]]
| writer = Gary Sperling
| editor = [[Gary Sperling]]
| writer = [[Gary Sperling]]
| studio = Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd.
| studio = [ Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd.]
| before = [[The Adventure Begins]]
| after = [[Gravitina (Episode)|Gravitina]]
| before = [[The Adventure Begins]]
| after = [[Gravitina (episode)|Gravitina]]
| gallery = [ Image Gallery (4)]
| transcript = [ Transcript]}}
'''''The Torque Armada''''' is the first episode of ''Buzz Lightyear of Star Command''. It first aired on October 2, 2000, and is the third episode in production.
'''The Torque Armada''' is the first episode of ''[[Buzz Lightyear of Star Command]]''. It first aired on October 2, 2000, and is the third episode in production.
[[Zurg]]'s [[Hornet]]s spring [[Torque]] from a prison transport and have him brought to [[Planet Z]]. While Torque is on Planet Z, Zurg has the [[Grub]]s place a cell-separating device on Torque that enables him to make clones of himself. While this is happening, [[Team Lightyear]]'s trying to focus on their job of patrolling Tanker Alley.
Under construction.
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*[[Booster Munchapper|Booster]]
*[[Brent Starkisser]] (Appearance Only)
*[[Brent Starkisser]] <sup>(cameo)</sup>
*[[Buzz Lightyear]]
*[[Buzz Lightyear]]
*Purple Alien Thug
*Purple Alien Thug
*[[Mira Nova]]
*[[Mira Nova]]
*[[Evil Emperor Zurg]]
*[[Zurg|Evil Emperor Zurg]]
*[[Rocket Crockett]]
*[[Rocket Crockett]]
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*The book ''[[Buzz vs. Torque: One-On-One]]'' was based on this episode.
Under construction.
*The episode may have been named after [ Torquemada], the main villain of the comic strip [ Nemesis the Warlock], whose army was called the Torque Armada.
*The [[Anteater-like criminal|anteater criminal's]] mouth is misplaced in this episode.
*Zurg's chest is purple instead of silver in one shot.
*In several scenes, Mira's jetpack button is missing from her suit.
*Zurg's waist is purple instead of black in several scenes.
*In one shot, Zurg's arms switch from purple to grey to purple again.
*The positions of the yellow and blue buttons on Buzz's suit are reversed in one shot.
*In one shot, Zurg's skirt is red instead of purple.
*The colors of the Z insignia on Zurg's chest are inverted in several scenes.
*In one scene, Mira's neck is blue instead of green, despite the fact that her thermal hood is on.
*Buzz's waist is white in one shot instead of black.
*Part of Zurg's cape is colored grey instead of black in one shot.
*Buzz's teeth are colored with the shade of his mouth in one shot.
==Voice Actors==
==Voice Actors==
*[[Stephen Furst]] as [[Booster Munchapper]]
*Patrick Warburton as ''Buzz Lightyear''
*[[Brad Garrett]] as [[Torque]]
*Stephen Furst as ''Booster''
*[[Wayne Knight]] as [[Zurg|Evil Emperor Zurg]]
*Larry Miller as ''XR''
*[[Phil LaMarr]] as [[Rocket Crockett]] and [[Smeego]]
*Nicole Sullivan as ''Mira Nova''
*[[Larry Miller]] as [[XR]]
*Brad Garett as ''Torque''
*[[Nicole Sullivan]] as [[Mira Nova]]
*Wayne Knight as ''Zurg''
*[[Patrick Warburton]] as [[Buzz Lightyear]]
*Phil LaMarr as ''Rocket Crocket'' and ''Smeego''
*Frank Welker as ''Grubs''
*[[Frank Welker]] as [[Grub]]s
==Production Details==
==Production Details==
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'''Produced By:''' Walt Disney Television Animation
'''Produced By:''' Walt Disney Television Animation
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Latest revision as of 07:05, 16 October 2017

The Torque Armada
Buzz surrounded by Torque's clones
Production Information
Original Airdate October 2, 2000
Ep. Number 001
Prod. Code 003
Producer(s) Tad Stones
Mark McCorkle
Bob Schooley
Director(s) Don MacKinnon
Story Editor(s) Gary Sperling
Story by
Writer(s) Gary Sperling
Studio Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd.
Series Continuity
Previous The Adventure Begins
Next Gravitina
Image Gallery (4) | Transcript

The Torque Armada is the first episode of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. It first aired on October 2, 2000, and is the third episode in production.


Zurg's Hornets spring Torque from a prison transport and have him brought to Planet Z. While Torque is on Planet Z, Zurg has the Grubs place a cell-separating device on Torque that enables him to make clones of himself. While this is happening, Team Lightyear's trying to focus on their job of patrolling Tanker Alley.


Under construction.



Under construction.



  • The anteater criminal's mouth is misplaced in this episode.
  • Zurg's chest is purple instead of silver in one shot.
  • In several scenes, Mira's jetpack button is missing from her suit.
  • Zurg's waist is purple instead of black in several scenes.
  • In one shot, Zurg's arms switch from purple to grey to purple again.
  • The positions of the yellow and blue buttons on Buzz's suit are reversed in one shot.
  • In one shot, Zurg's skirt is red instead of purple.
  • The colors of the Z insignia on Zurg's chest are inverted in several scenes.
  • In one scene, Mira's neck is blue instead of green, despite the fact that her thermal hood is on.
  • Buzz's waist is white in one shot instead of black.
  • Part of Zurg's cape is colored grey instead of black in one shot.
  • Buzz's teeth are colored with the shade of his mouth in one shot.

Voice Actors

Production Details

Executive Producers: Tad Stones, Mark McCorkle, Bob Schooley
Director: Don MacKinnon
Story Editor and Written By: Gary Sperling

Voice Casting and Dialogue Director: Jamie Thomason

Storyboard: Robert Foster, Garrett Ho, Alan Wright, Ryan Anthony, Alfred Gonzales
Timing Directors: Barbara Dourmashkin-Case, Mitch Rochon
Sheet Timing: Barbara Dourmashkin-Case, Mitch Rochon
Supervising Character Design: Greg Guler
Character Design: Brian Brookshier
Key Location Design: Ken McGill, Latchezar Gouchev
Prop Design: Tris Mast, Tom Foxmarnick
Lead Background Paint: Donna Prince
Key Background Stylists: Rick Evans, Sy Thomas
Associate Producer: Natasha Kopp
Production Manager: Zoe Seals
Creative Consultant from Pixar: Jeff Pidgeon
Color Key Stylist: Janet Cummings
Storyboard Revisions: Alan Wright
Continuity Coordinator: Kathrin Victor
Digital Color Correction: Donald Devine
Scanner: Adam Chase

CGI Main Title: Pixar Animation Studios

Music By: Adam Berry
Main Title Theme By: Adam Berry

Animation Production By: Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd.

Animation Directors: Archer Lai, Tosy Yeh
Layout Director: Chenny Chen
Layout Artists: Glanda Lin, Joy Hu
Background Director: Vincent Liu
Backgrounds: Peter Sun, Hung Hsiu Hue, Yen Ching Liang
Animators: Eagle Jeng, Lyndon Jiang, Tasso Lee, Orman Hwang, Jassie Shyong, Arion Chang

Supervising Film Editor: John Royer
First Assistant Film Editor: Jennifer Harrison
Pre-Production Dialogue Editor: Monte Bramer
Track Reading: Skip Craig
Post Production Manager: Steven J. Arenas
Post Production Supervisor: Rachel Pusateri
Audio Supervisor: Victor Garcia
Post Production Coordinator: Mark Allen Bollinger
Supervising Sound Editor: Jennifer E. Mertens
Sound Effects Editors: Rick Hammel, Otis Van Osten, Kenneth D. Young
Sound Editor: Eric Hertsgaard
Supervising Music Editor: Brian F. Mars
Re-Recording Mixers: Michael Jiron, Allen Stone
Supervising Music Editor: Dominick Certo
On-Line Editor: Keith Cook
Production Coordinator: Bill Turner
Script Coordinators: Dawn T. Connors, Carolyn Scully
Production Associate: Sean Reed
Production Secretaries: Linda DeLizza, Jessica Farley
Talent Coordinator: David H. Wright III
Production Accountant: Ron J. Earhart

Produced By: Walt Disney Television Animation
