Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Wiki

The Adventure Begins: Part 1[]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Warp, my friend, procedure is what separates us from the wicked forces of chaos.
    Warp Darkmatter: Ah, Buzz. If it means less paperwork, I'll take chaos.

  • Buzz Lightyear: This diabolical plot can only be the work of the sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance. Evil Emperor Zurg!
    [Warp just stares at Buzz for a moment]
    Warp Darkmatter: What plot? You think Zurg is behind every kitten stuck up a tree!
    Buzz Lightyear: The fiend! Why can't he leave kitty cats out of his nefarious schemes?

  • Warp Darkmatter: All I know is that we've searched half the Zeta quadrant to find the missing LGMs and what do we find? A lot of nothing!
    [A crater viper rears up from a crater directly behind Warp. He sees Buzz's horrified expression.]
    Warp Darkmatter: [thumbing over his shoulder] There's something really bad behind me, isn't there?

  • Warp Darkmatter: [to the LGM he just saved] Any reason you were looking to shake hands with a beast from 20,000 craters?

  • Brain Pod 29: [looks up when the doors slide open] Wha—? [sighs in relief upon seeing 13]
    Brain Pod 13: Anything?
    Brain Pod 29: No.
    Brain Pod 13: Oh! He's not going to like this...
    [doors slide open again and the minions gasp]
    Grub: Anything?
    Brain Pod 29: [shakes head] No.
    Grub: Oh, he's not going to like this!
    [the Grub leaves, but the doors slide open, scaring them again]
    Grub: What should I tell him?
    Brain Pod 29: We have proven that the Little Green Men think and feel as one. We, heh heh, just don't know how.
    Grub: Oh, he's not going to like this at all...
    [The Grub leaves, but the doors slide open for a final time.]
    Brain Pod 29: [Annoyed] Oh, now what!
    Grub: [clenched in Zurg's hand] He, uh, he didn't like it...

  • Warp Darkmatter: Why didn't you tell me?
    Buzz Lightyear: Sorry, it was strictly need-to-know classified.
    Warp Darkmatter: I'm your partner, I need to know.
    Buzz Lightyear: Now you do.
    Warp Darkmatter: Anything else I should know?
    Buzz Lightyear: No, I'd say you're up to speed.
    Warp Darkmatter: Okay, thank you.

  • Evil Emperor Zurg: Prepare to die, Buzz Lightyear!
    Buzz Lightyear: Not today, Zurg!

  • Commander Nebula: You people try that kind of hot-dogging in the field, and you're space dust!

  • Commander Nebula: Look, son, I know you're still torn up about Warp, but next time you're out there—
    Buzz Lightyear: And Zurg aims for me? What's to keep the princess from ending up like Warp?
    Commander Nebula: Yeah, well, maybe it's the princess keeping you from ending up like Warp!
    Mira Nova: Okay, hello? The princess has a name!
    Buzz Lightyear: Yeah, I'm sorry, Prince—Mira! I work alone.

  • Evil Emperor Zurg: A delightful blend of man and machine... with just a naughty touch of lingonberry! I shall call you... Agent Z!
    Agent Z: That's stupid.
    Evil Emperor Zurg: [eyes flare up in anger] My mother used to call me that!
    Brain Pod 29: You know, he really, really likes that name.
    Grub: Yes, he's been saving it for one of his most evil henchmen!
    Agent Z: [holds up hands as Zurg advances] Agent Z, love it. Especially the whole "Z" thing.

The Adventure Begins: Part 2[]

  • Evil Emperor Zurg: If you want something turned evil, turn it evil yourself. That's what Nana Zurg always used to say, and she was plenty evil.

  • Evil Emperor Zurg: Another planet and it's mine! [grabs 29 and spins him around] I'm not the man who knows the man! I am the man!
    Brain Pod 29: Um, how about that raise...?
    Evil Emperor Zurg: [drops him] Please. Once I enslave the universe, I won't need the likes of you. It'll be all Zurg, all the time! 24/7! Zurgie heaven!
  • Commander Nebula: Well, Ranger Nova is your partner; you better go and get her, son.
  • Buzz Lightyear: Yes, sir. [runs away but comes back briefly] For the record, she's not my partner, sir.

The Adventure Begins: Part 3[]

  • Evil Emperor Zurg: And so ends Star Command. [turns to Agent Z] Oh I'm so evil, I just gave myself chills. Even my goosebumps have goosebumps! [laughs] I'm a bad boy! [laughs evilly]