Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Wiki

King Nova is Mira's father, and the sovereign king of Tangea.

Physical Appearance[]

King Nova is a Tangean Royal, and has blue skin and black eyes. He has red hair and two long sideburns that merge to form a mustache underneath his bent nose. Like most Tangeans, he has a long neck.

He is usually seen wearing the same green suit and cane, possibly a sign of his stature as king of Tangea. In times of battle or adventure, he has donned a space suit modeled after Medieval European armor.


Like all Tangeans, with the exception of his daughter, King Nova holds a very elitist attitude, holding his species as superior over all other races in the galaxy. He is prone to using insulting nicknames to refer to other species, such as calling them "monkeys". Despite his air of superiority, King Nova is not above admitting his mistakes when proven wrong, however, and can be reasoned with.

His relationship with his daughter, Mira Nova, is best described as tumultuous. He strongly disapproves of his daughter's wishes to join Star Command, feeling such an organization is beneath a Tangean Royal. In truth, most of this disapproval stems from his concern over her well-being. Many of King Nova's decisions and arguments with Mira are ultimately revealed to be a father trying to help his daughter avoid the same mistakes he had made in the past.


At some unspecified point in the past, King Nova developed an addiction to power ghosting that he eventually broke free of. It is unknown how long Nova has been ruling Tangea, but he was already king when Mira was fifteen. When he discovered his teenage daughter was dating a Grounder, Romac, he broke up the pair and forbade Mira from ever seeing him again.

Some years later, when the Galactic Alliance sent a diplomatic envoy to Tangea to convince the reluctant king to join, the planet was attacked by Zurg, and King Nova was taken prisoner inside Zurg's Hyper Hornet. Eventually, Mira and Buzz Lightyear were able to thwart Zurg's invasion and rescue the king, who was finally persuaded that Tangea should join the Galactic Alliance.


  • Intangibility: King Nova can phase through solid objects (aka "ghosting") and use it to read, control, and presumably plant ideas into people's minds by phasing his hand into their heads. Being more experienced with his Tangean powers, King Nova knows various abilities, including the power ghosting state, which he says brought him to the brink of destruction.


The Planet Destroyer[]

Mira's Wedding[]

Super Nova[]

The Starthought[]

First Missions[]


  • It has been suggested that King Nova's power exceeds that of his daughter's due to her incomplete training, although the full extent of his Tangean powers is never seen.



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