Grubs are insect-like aliens who are often seen working for Zurg on Planet Z.
They are small bug-like creatures. Like the LGMs, they all look alike.
They are green-blue in color and resemble rolly pollies in body structure, but unlike rolly pollies, have large eyes and mouths.
It is unknown how long they have worked for the Evil Emperor Zurg.
It's unknown if they have any culture, given that they always work for Zurg out of fear.
Their government is headed by Zurg.
Probably none, since they work for Zurg, and aren't known to live anywhere other than Planet Z.
Notable Grubs[]
Like the LGMs, the Grubs all look alike and there are no notable individuals.
Grub Homeworld[]
It's unknown which planet they are from.
- Zurg likes to use them as bowling pins when he's in the mood for a game of "Evil Bowling".
- The Grubs are similar to the Nerdlucks from Space Jam.[citation needed]