Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Wiki
XR tries taking Buzz's photo
“What? I’m just documenting for my scrapbook.”
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Cloning in biology is the process of artificially creating an organism that is genetically identical to that of its original counterpart. At its present point in-universe, it is an involved process. Clones take time to grow and mature, even though they grow faster than normal while in their incubation tubes. Once outside the tubes, they continue to grow and mature at their individual species' normal rate.


  • Zurg acquired DNA samples from Buzz, Mira and Booster in an attempt to create evil clone counterparts of them. However, due to his impatience, he ended up creating child versions of the three instead of the fully-matured clones he expected, Zzub, Feara and Blister. He went on to create another batch of clones, whom he made sure to leave in their incubation tubes for weeks. Unsurprisingly, they emerged as extremely elderly versions of the three instead.[1]


  1. "Clone Rangers", Ep. 28. Steve Loter (Director) & Kevin Hopps (Story Editor) & Greg Weisman (Writer). Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Disney Enterprises, Inc./Pixar Animation Studios. November 2, 2000.