Future Buzz Lightyear appears in the episode Good Ol' Buzz. He comes to warn Team Lightyear about Mira's death. As stated by Commander Nebula, he's 150 years old.
Physical Appearance[]
Due to old age, Buzz from the future is very short in stature and wears a completely different spacesuit than his younger self. His insignia implies he no longer holds the rank of captain. He wears a time watch on his right wrist.
His advanced age has led Buzz to become humbler and wiser, as well as more patient with others, although he comes into conflict with his younger self. However, his compassion for his comrades is retained, which ultimately led him to build the time watch to save Mira from death.
After using the time watch, Buzz developed a case of memory loss, much to his frustrations and the frustrations of others, particularly his younger-self.
When he met his younger self, the old Buzz laments how stubborn he was back then, although he too can be stubborn as well.