Brain Pods are brain-like aliens who are often seen working for the Evil Emperor Zurg on Planet Z .

Brain Pod 13 without his pod.
They appear to be pink, pseudopod creatures with a brain-like head and eyes. Without their special pods, they can't move very well. The mouth is on the chest as seen on Brain Pod 13.
Under construction.
Under construction.
They work under the rule of Zurg so their original government is unknown.
They share a military with Zurg.
Notable Brain Pods[]
- Brain Pod 2
- Brain Pod 11
- Brain Pod 13
- Brain Pod 17
- Brain Pod 18
- Brain Pod 26
- Brain Pod 29
- Brain Pod 39
- Brain Pod 57
- Brain Pod 94
- In The Adventure Begins, Zurg asks a Brain Pod how long he's been working for him. The Brain Pod asks, "In total or as a brain in a jar?" implying that he may have originally been a different species. However, in the episode "Shiv Katall," it is revealed that while Brain Pods resemble brains, they have mouths, tendril-like appendages and have limited movement, contradicting the original statement.